Stranger Than Fiction

It's all true, but we are strangers.

Thursday, June 01, 2006

When Worlds Collide

Suicide is such a tragedy.

There is the sadness that comes with knowing that the person who died did so alone and sad - no comforting family around to ease the passage as there is when the death is from cancer or some other such disease.

There is the guilt of wondering if you should have seen it coming, or even if you saw it coming wondering what else you could/should have done to help and to stop it.

There is the grief for the young children left behind - children who were already messed up by the tragically violent and non-nurturing home life, and who now, due to circumstances surrounding the death, will blame themselves for it.

There is the anger that the family life was so bad and that so little could be done to prevent this despite very obvious signs of this impending train wreck.

There is the helplessness of knowing that a person who is sad and lonely enough to take his own life did so after a lifetime of these same feelings.

And there is the knowledge that but for the grace of God there go I.

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